This week, we decided on our goals for the upcoming design demo on Monday. Our goal for the hardware/firmware side is to be able to read the sensors on the chess board, accurately identify the state of each square (White/Black/No piece), and represent the board graphically (with ascii).
To that end, I spent all of my time this week working with Vikram to get the firmware working and debug the board and code. There were numerous problems that we had to fix, including incorrect SPI usage, a mismatch of the rows and columns in my code, poor connections on the board and more. All in all, we have the board almost entirely working, with just one remaining issue with a piece on square being read as being on two squares. We will tackle this issue tomorrow and hope to have the sensor reading perfect by Monday.
This integration and debugging work took longer than expected, and as a result I was unable to sort out the software interface with Ryan. This goal will be pushed back to next week. I am not concerned by this delay, because it is a lower priority aspect of the project (not needed for the demo) and we have plenty of slack time scheduled.