This week I wanted to test my firmware on the RPi. Unfortunately, we discovered that the library I had used to write the RPi SPI and GPIO transactions, WiringPi, is no longer supported and we could not download it onto the RPi. I had to find other libraries – spidev for the SPI transactions and pigpio for the GPIO control.
Therefore, I rewrote the firmware to utilize these libraries. The new libraries are not as straightforward to use as WiringPi was, but I am confident that I understand them now and will be able to get the firmware working all the same. I also ordered some cables for the Pi that I didn’t have, so I can test the firmware with my Pi next week while we’re on break.
The lack of progress this week sets me a bit further behind schedule. That said, I will be staying in Pittsburgh over Thanksgiving break and will have some time to dedicate to getting this back on track. This combined with the slack time we have makes me still confident that we will finish on schedule.
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