I spent this week working on the firmware, which will control the ADC and multiplexers on the board. I learned the basics of SPI, which is used to send/receive data with the ADC. I finished writing the control logic in the legality check program, and used a useful C++ library, wiringPi, to add in the controls for the SPI and GPIO pins on the Pi.
After writing most of that firmware, I realized that I don’t have a micro SD to load the program onto the RPi. I ordered one, but it won’t be here by monday to test with the actual board, so I am translating the program into an Arduino sketch. We can use this simple sketch program to ensure that the ADC, multiplexers, and sensors on the board are functioning as expected. Translating my C++ firmware into Arduino is fairly straightforward, as the wiringPi library was made to be similar to Arduino functions.
Overall I am on schedule, and next week I should be able to start working with Ryan on how to send moves from my program to his webapp/server.