During the week of 10/9 to 10/15, almost all of my work on the project was directed to the Design Review Report. It took several hours of writing and editing, and in the end I think we created a very thorough description of our design.
I have mostly used the week of fall break to relax, but I was able to spend some time researching and thinking about what I will do to implement the board’s firmware. The firmware will run on the RPi and communicate with the ADC over SPI and control the multiplexers with gpio logic signals. I have never used SPI before, so I read up on it a bit and found a C++ library that should make using it easier. I’m writing the firmware in C++ because I am already using it for the Legality Check software. I’ll hopefully be able to write the firmware next week and test it with the assembled board over next weekend.
All in all, I am on schedule and have no concerns at the moment.