All the class time this week was spent on Design Report presentations. Outside of class, I continued to work on the legality check program. I incorporated the legal move generation from stockfish 11, and it can now generate a list of legal moves given a position, and check the legality of a new move using that list. It remembers the previous position and can be reset to it (for the case of an illegal move being played). Currently, it takes moves in ‘pure algebraic coordinate notation’ as input (e.g. a3a8, which represents a piece moving from square a3 to square a8). I started working on the function to translate the output of the sensors to this coordinate notation. Next week I should begin work on the firmware, interfacing with the sensors through the ADC and multiplexers, and finish up the translation of boards to coordinates. I have the skeleton written already for the state logic to control LEDs on the board based on whether a move was legal or illegal, but I have to incorporate the interactions with the RPi’s GPIO pins with those functions. Overall, I am on schedule and have no current concerns.