While the majority of this week was spent drafting up slides for the design presentation, I was able to spend some time designing and testing the latency for notation.
Fortunately, since the legality checker is done in C++, that section’s latency requirements were easily satisfied. On the other hand, while python is a much slower, interpreted language, the latency requirements for uploading to the website are much more lax, and as a result, the python string parsing and upload times still fit within the 2 second window outlined at the beginning. The only latency left is the
Unfortunately, I have fallen a little behind with some of the basic website work and want to catch up next week. I spent much of this week sick with an unbearable sore throat and cough. I am only now getting better and should be able to attend class, participate in team meetings, and contribute more actively. My next week is much more free and will allow me to make significant progress catching up to the work that my teammates have done.
Next week, I want to finalize the frontend of the website, and be able to add new games, delete old games, and upload chess moves (notation to the website). I also will be communicating actively with Patrick to work out some of the interfaces that my code has with his legality checker.