Overall, the majority of this week was centered on creating, editing, and designing the proposal presentation. The remaining time this week centered on basic setup. Patrick and Vikram worked to create a smaller buy list from a variety of magnet options (and started looking into various PCB’s for the board itself). Ryan started some basic library and tooling work on the software side.
The biggest risk that our current project currently faces are potential issues with part supply. We are attempting to combat this by ordering from reputable vendors, ordering extra product (Ex. 70 magnets instead of 64 incase of broken or faulty magnets), and finally carefully placing the order (this is to ensure that our team is able to retrieve the correct magnets on the first order rather than having to wait for subsequent orders).
All in all, while our team might not have incurred substantive physical process, we were able to prepare ourselves to make more efficient project in the following weeks (library tooling, shopping list… etc.). Be prepared for more to come!
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