This week, we got two robots working with pick-up and drop-off working. I re-tuned the PID values on our robots so that they follow the path much more closely than before (we’ve previously had issues with the robot being unable to correct its y-error). I fixed a bug in the visualizer where old target positions were being persistently displayed. I am still working on a way for our robots to move backward after they have dropped off the pallets since I programmed the controller to only drive the robots forward along the path. So on the backup path, the robots try to turn 180 degrees and then move forward instead of backing up and then turning 180 degrees. This difference causes our robots to sometimes hit the pallet that they just dropped off. Our progress seems to be on track, and we are trying to robustify pickup and dropoff so that the pallets are consistently being picked up and moved so that there are no collisions between robots. We are very close to our MVP, and hopefully, we will get to a place soon where we can start running validation and verification tests.