I worked on getting two way communication with the ESPs on the work stations and the raspberry pi. The lights are now turned on by a message being sent to them with mosquitto protocol. I integrated the weight messages from and to the web app into the raspberry pi’s base station code. When the weight is changed on the sliding bar of the web app, the raspberry pi changes the weights it uses for the pir and mic data. The raspberry pi keeps track of its default values incase the web app switches back to manual.
WEIGHT:AUTO/Manual:PIR weight:Mic weight
The raspberry pi sends back its current weights to the web app when the web app switches back to auto mode. When it is in manual the web app already knows the weight values.
We were able to scale up to 3 base stations this week, but we are missing a PIR for the 4th base station.
We started some testing, but still have to get some done before the final presentation after thanksgiving. We did tests that allowed us to modify the threshold for the microphones and the PIRs, to pick up reasonable values (reasonable level of sensitivity).
The tests that we still need to be conducted:
-All combinations of people 4 at 4 base stations. i.e. (people at 1, people at 1 &2, people at 1&2&3, people at 1&2&3&4, people at 2&3, …)
-No movement tests
-No noise tests