I mainly spent this week preparing for the design presentation as a presenter that is coming up on next week. I started to set up an environment for OpenCV image processing, and started researching image detection algorithms we are going to use for the project. For the project, we are likely to use canny edge detection to detect the board squares and background subtraction algorithm to detect the player’s move (change in chess board pieces). I also started researching about code environment for Stockfish AI that we will be using for the project.
Yoorae’s Status Report for 9/25
For this week, our group met up and mainly discussed on finalizing parts decisions and making orders. I researched possible options for chess board and chess pieces to make an order. I spent my time mainly researching about which already available chess AI engine we are going to use for the project. I organized the possible options by complexity of a function (how easily we could understand it and apply changes), language it used, and the response time of an AI. We concluded that Stockfish or Sunfish will be the best possible options. I made an order for few parts. From now on, I will spend my time researching about CV and motion detection. As soon as Demi creates a sample chess board for testing and our camera arrives, we will begin testing.
Team status report for 09/25
This week we worked on practising for the proposal presentation. After the proposal presentation, we began finalizing implementation details for our project. We thought about whether we should use Arduino or Rpi. We were going with RPi earlier but found that other teams had integration troubles with it. We met 3 times to figure out the details of each part of the project like LEDs, chessboard, CV, AI etc. The objective of the final meeting was to place order on equipment that we need. We also placed our order for a sample chessboard that we can get chess pieces from and also use to test our CV. We placed an order for an attachable logitech camera with 1280 x 720 resolution.
Yoorae’s Status Report for 9/18
This week, we mainly worked on as a team on refining our ideas for the project and preparing for the proposal presentation. We mainly discussed and worked on deciding which hard board pieces we are going to use, and organizing stuff that we need to order. When preparing for the presentation, we mainly discussed about specifying our quantitative data for testing metrics and refining on our testing methods. I personally researched on Chess AIs online that we might apply to our project.