My goal for this week was to have the LED matrix installed. Since the spacing between the LEDs do not match the length of our chessboard grid, I had to cut the strip into 64 LEDs and solder them. So far I have soldered 42 LEDs together. The soldering process is very time consuming and tedious as each LED have 3 connections.
I tested the chess game logic Yoorae wrote. I wrote simple test cases and found that there was an error with checking for vacant squares along the path. It should only check for the squares between the start and end position but was also checking whether the start square was vacant. This issue is now fixed.
Since the LED matrix is not completed, I am behind schedule. Completing the LEDs is my priority, and I am confident to have it done by Wednesday’s demo. For the rest of the week, I will begin working with Anoushka with CV / board integration and camera setup. I hope to get the board completely done next week, so I can focus on integration and testing for the rest of the semester.