This week I laser cut the chessboard squares and handed it over to Anoushka for CV testing. Once the acrylic weld-on arrives, I will glue the squares together. I decided that it would be convenient to have two sets of chessboard. In that way we can work in parallel, building the chessboard and testing with CV, so I ordered another pair of green and white acrylic sheets. I also made orders for the WS2812B 30 pixels/m LEDS, 5V 10A power supply, and acrylic weld-on and picked up the Raspberry Pi which we borrowed from the capstone inventory.
I have researched how the WS2812B LED strips are connected and controlled by RPi. I will be using the rpi_ws281x library. From our proposal presentation, we got feedback on how we will be controlling 64 LEDs with the limited number of pins on the RPi. I looked into it and concluded that we only need one GPIO pin since there is only one data line for the WS2812B LED strip.
I am on track schedule wise. I now have most of the parts needed for creating the board and have finalized the details of the design. I plan on to work on the design report early on next week. For the rest of the week, I will test the LEDs with the RPi and make an additional chessboard.