Lucas’s Status Report: 11/20

This week finally saw the completion of the full Tag to Hub pipeline. I mainly worked on the firmware required to make the DA14531 board report load cell values as a characteristic (a value sent through the bluetooth protocol to the rpi hub). I also developed the load cell weigh sensing to save values only if they surpassed a preset threshold. Next steps are to run a hardware timer that will report timestamps of when new weight values are added to the array of values – these represent individual “eating events” which the system will count and check for consistency.

Finally, I re-designed our pcb’s based around the now-available DA14531 Bluetooth module ( basically a small package consisting of the DA14531 chip, a 1 MB SPI Flash, and an antenna with a pre-made CLC filter). The schematics are fully finished and the layout is “near-done” (as in: I expected to etch it out today but it’ll have to wait until tomorrow). Making PCB’s in-house means they have to be CNC milled – i.e. they can only be single-layer boards. Not having multiple layer to route through definitely adds to the challenge of creating a complex, multi-component design, but I’m managing it.

I expect to have a functional pcb in my hands tomorrow (Sunday).

MeeDm’s Status Report for 11/6/2021

I finished up the CAD design for the load cell. I’ve been working on the cad design for the enclosure for the rfid tag but that seems to be much harder on blender so will use solid works with Lucas to finish that up. I meant to print it on Friday, but I ended up getting really sick and had to rest since Friday and am only feeling better now.

I didn’t finish what I was planning on finishing by this week, but I’ve still managed to finish CAD designing, and am excited to print and finish up the last portion with Lucas to read in values from the tags themselves. I’ve finished up everything else on the gantt chart (technically I’m doing the cad designing which isn’t even my part), so I’m still on schedule which is great news!

By next week I’ll have printed the load cell and hopefully when Lucas finishes up with the pcb’s or breadboard will have at least started reading in values.