This week, MeeDm presented our design review presentation. Way to go MeeDm!
The team spent most of the week working on the design report while each member also made progress in their own area. Lucas developed the schematics for the prototypical bluetooth tags, Tarush finalized the development stack for the web app and got the RPI 4 hub set up with Django, and MeeDm conducted further research on what constitutes irregular cat eating habits – to that end, she reached out to her vet but has not yet heard back.
With the demo tag hardware built, MeeDm and Tarush will begin working on integrating the full tag-to-hub pipeline, while Lucas will primarily work on getting the tag pcb layouts finished and ordered. We have also finally received our shipment of BLE module development boards, so Lucas will be able to start tag firmware development in earnest.
The primary, current project risks still mainly have to do with hardware development timing as well as parts availability and logistics. Another risk involves spending too much time on course logistics and material such as the very pressing design report rather than actual development.