This week was focused entirely on completing the design review, which was a challenge because of midterm exams and projects all due at the same time. However, our group did manage to get the Design Review Report done by the end of the week. After completing my part of the report earlier on in the week, I focused on submitting purchase and borrow requests to the ECE department, and also researched on which models of the hardware components would suit our use case the best. The conclusions I made are reflected in the bill of materials, as well as the research results of my teammates.
For the Design Review Report, I was originally tasked with the Design Requirements and Architecture Overview sections, but also contributed to the System Design and Testing sections of the report, due to a time crunch we were facing.
This weekend I hope to finish the Ethics assignment early. Then, I plan to pick up the borrowed raspberry pi’s from the ECE inventory desk, and start implementation of the central data hubs.