William Foy’s Status Report for Dec 4 2021

This week was focused on giving our final presentation. I worked on the slides and practiced the presentation ahead of time in order to best present our project’s results. I think the presentation went well overall.

I wasn’t able to work much on the chair module this week since we had to watch other presentations and I had other class commitments. This week I plan to get everything ready for the demo which includes finishing the sleep configuration for the Xbees so we can save the power needed to extend our battery life. I also need to wire up a final chair module.

I think we are on schedule to be ready by the demo to present a reliable, working system. The data hub is pretty much done and the frontend is looking great. We will start on our video and final report soon this week.

Nathan’s Status Report for Dec 4 2021

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project?

This week I finished up all the functionality of the backend, ironing out any bugs that came up during further testing. This included fixing the response codes from 201 to 200 which is more general. The backend is now very robust and extendable.

For the frontend, I finished all the requirements, such as compartmentalized region viewing. Now, viewers can see which seats are open in a subsection of the space:

I conducted a study on latency on the API calls as well as rendering for the final presentation.  I ran scripts to call the functions

create_hub: 150.2 ms
create_seats: 72.3 ms
delete_hub: 57.0 ms
delete_seats: 82.0 ms
update_seats: 68.2 ms
get_all_free_seats: 123.8 ms
Generalized worst case: 400 ms

Rendering average case: 100 ms, worst case: 200 ms

All these times meet our requirements which is great!

I then spent the rest of the time preparing for the final presentation which went really well.

Is your progress on schedule or behind?

I am on schedule with my parts and feel confident moving forward. All parts are  is working well, so now I just have to do final extra touch ups on the frontend, such as making it look prettier.

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

This week, my task it to add final extra touch ups on the frontend,. Specifically, I will add the particles library to the background of the page to give it a more lively, tech feel. I will also be working on the video we must do. I can’t wait! 🙂


Jonathan Cheng’s Status Report for Dec 4 2021

This week was the week of Final Presentations, and as such I have not made any progress in class time. In addition, since the data hub is largely complete, I have not spent any time outside of class to work on it. Right now, the only part we are waiting to complete is the extra chair sensor. In addition, I am waiting for my ordered SD Card to arrive. Once it does, then I can flash it with the raspberry pi OS, plug it into the second raspberry pi, and it should be active.

Due to other classes’ commitments, I will not be working on Freeseats this weekend. However, after Tuesday, I plan to retrieve my SD card, activate the second data hub, download the code onto it and wire up the second XBee. Once those steps are complete, both data hubs should be ready for the demo.

Nathan’s Status Report for Nov 20 2021

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project?

This week, I worked with JJ to fully integrate the data hub and the public API endpoint of our backend. now, it is working!

Then, I made 15% more progress on the frontend of the project. My idea is to make it very simplistic and easy on the eyes for clients. I restructured the React code to convert from class-based to functional-based code. This is more of an updated coding style with modern react, and it will be extremely helpful due to some of the new frontend requirements (map interface).

Specifically, I now structure components asfunction myComponent() { ... } rather than class myComponent extends React.Component { ... }

This style of coding React has reported to have massive performance improvement and allows for clean, stateless components.

Is your progress on schedule or behind?

I am on schedule with my parts and feel confident moving forward. Integration is working well, so I just have to finish the frontend component by the final presentation. I will be working hard in the weeks to come.

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

This week, my task it to complete on the web application frontend. Specifically, I need to implement a map feature that shows clients areas of free seats and quantity of free seats. I can’t wait! 😁


William Foy’s Status Report for Nov 20 2021

I made a great amount of progress this week that I’m super happy about.

First off, the chair sensor is much more reliable now. We lowered the resistance from 30MΩ to 20MΩ and also attached the module breadboard underneath the chair to avoid changes in wire positions. The values being output from the CapSense library have a large change now when someone sits in the chair and stands up and we can easily detect changes now. I also added a baseline average computation to the code upon startup so that the range of values for emptiness isn’t static, but dynamic upon startup.

We got our other Xbee modules this week so we wired up a second chair module. I was able to configure the other Xbee onto the same network as our original chair module and data hub and we were able to get two chair modules sending updates to the single data hub. This verifies our proof of concept of having multiple chairs send updates to a single data hub.

The 2000 mAh LiPo batteries arrived this week as well. The batteries operate at 3.7V and upon plugging them into the RAW input of the Arduino which feed into a built-in voltage regulator, the Arduino performed as if it was plugged into the wall. The battery supplied enough current for the Arduino and to power the Xbee. We were also worried that the grounding of the capacitive sensor would be messed up by using a battery instead of power from a laptop, but the sensor performed the same. We were happy to get the chair modules running off of battery power, we just now need to see how low we can get the current draw and then estimate how long the batteries will last.

This next week I intend to write more Arduino code to put the Arduino to sleep and cut power consumption wherever we can. Without going into sleep the Arduino draws about 2mA continuously which will result in the 2000 mAh battery being depleted in around 4 days. By cutting the power through going to sleep, I think we can drastically reduce the average current consumption and extend the battery life significantly. I also want to finish up our testing and then get started on our final presentation.

I am definitely on schedule now and am looking forward to grinding out the rest of the project. We have our major components working now and now we just need to test and focus a bit more on the frontend of the website. We should be ready for the final presentation next week.

Team Status Report for Nov 20 2021

We made fantastic progress this week! The chair module and data hub integration are nearly complete. Our final components arrived, including more Xbees and the batteries for the chair modules. We were able to configure everything and the chairs can now run off of battery power.

Going forward the only risks we can foresee would be the battery life of the chair modules not being as long as we aimed for, and also the frontend of the website not performing to our original specs. This next week the team will finish up testing which will include getting a metric on how long we expect the chair module batteries to last on a single charge. We also aim to flush out the entire frontend this week in time for the presentation and demo.

We made a small change regarding how updates are sent from the chair module to the data hub. We now have the chair checking for changes in occupancy every 5 seconds. If there is a change, it will send an update. The data hub also then sends current state to the backend every 10 seconds. This configuration allows us to meet the 15 sec requirement, even when a single update is not caught by the data hub in the worst case.

We also had to order Xbees with antennas since the original PCB antenna Xbees were sold out. This resulted in some higher costs but did not affect the functionality of the project. In fact the Xbees with large antennas should have even better range than those with PCB antennas.

Because of our great progress this week we are definitely on schedule now. This week we just need to focus on testing and finishing the frontend of the website.

Jonathan Cheng’s Status Report for Nov 20 2021

This week was a productive week for Freeseats. My project component, the datahub, has been largely complete for about a week or two. Thus, I have been working with Will to get the chair modules connected to the datahub. This week, we spent many hours in the lab soldering and configuring the XBee modules to network, and have found great success. After that, we converted the chair modules to run on battery power. The end result is now that two battery-powered chair modules, attached to real chairs, can communicate with a central datahub.

In addition, I tested the datahub’s connection with the backend API earlier in the week. There were some schema inconsistencies that we had to debug by hand, but now it is all cleaned up. The datahub can convert and format received chair data and send the correct state updates to the backend. A full integration test was ran successfully on Wednesday.

This weekend and early next week, Will and I plan to go into the lab to collect some testing metrics for the hardware components, including network latency, sensor accuracy, and power consumption. After this, I will look towards setting up a second datahub to represent another workspace for the final demo. This will bring us to the final presentation, which we will be putting together over thanksgiving break.

William Foy’s Status Report for Nov 13 2021

This week I focused on the internal demo and configuring the Xbee for Zigbee communication. In the beginning of the week I was a bit blocked since the breakout boards for the Xbee did not arrive when we expected. This meant that there was a delay in physically hooking the Xbee up to the Arduino Pro Mini.

For the demo I showed the functionality of the chair sensor. This showcase made me realize how unreliable our current sensor setup is. I think we need to add more aluminum foil and better tune the algorithm to determine when occupancy changes.

After the breakout boards arrived I was able to work with JJ to connect the Xbees to the Arduino Pro Mini. We were able to program the Xbees with XCTU. All we need to do is test the serial communication from the RPi and Arduino to the Xbee and get the communication up and running with the correct data from the Arduino.

I think we got a bit stuck this past week but we should still be able to get back on schedule. This upcoming week I plan to fully flesh out the Xbee communication. We also will order batteries this week for the Arduinos to be powered off of. I think this week is crucial for our project and I am confident we will make a lot of progress.

Nathan’s Status Report for Nov 13 2021

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project?

This week, I worked with JJ to connect the data hub and the public API endpoint of our backend. I also made the post requests of create_hub, create_seats, update_seats, delete_hub, delete_seats, get_free_seats more robust.

Specifically, I fixed a bug when a hub is instantiated without seats. This would make the filtering of seats have an index out of bounds error.  Thus, I fixed this by adding a check for the edge case of empty hubs.

Then, I made 15% more progress on the frontend of the project. My idea is to make it very simplistic and easy on the eyes for clients. The demo showcasing all of this went very well.

Is your progress on schedule or behind?

I am on schedule with my parts and feel confident moving forward, after our demo. I expect that as we move further into the implementation part, we will have a lot more roadblocks, so I will be working hard in the weeks to come.

What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?

This week, my task it to work on the web application frontend. Specifically, 15% this week would keep me on track with respect to the schedule. I can also help JJ and Will on their parts, which currently pose more of a risk, as the software stack basic functionality is stable. I can’t wait! 😁


Jonathan Cheng Status Report for Nov 13 2021

This week there was a slight lull in progress, due to two main factors (shipping delays, and external coursework). Despite this, I still made some meaningful steps towards completing the Data Hub. One crucial component, the XBee breakout board, did not arrive until Wednesday, meaning we couldn’t work on configuring the XBees until then. So, at the beginning of the week, I worked on testing the Data Hub’s connection to the backend, making sure all the schemas were aligned and verified for seamless communication. This was successful, and the Data Hub can now communicate with the deployed backend API.

Once the breakout boards arrived on Wednesday, Will and I got to soldering the XBee’s to the breakout boards, so that they can be plugged into regular-sized breadboard inputs. After that, we configured both XBees by using the Arduino as a serial converter.

At the start of next week, we expect that we will be able to begin testing of XBee communication, which is the final big step in our development. Once this is complete, finishing the capstone project will just be a matter of recreating another Data Hub for multiple-workspace use cases. Exciting!