This week was a productive week for Freeseats. My project component, the datahub, has been largely complete for about a week or two. Thus, I have been working with Will to get the chair modules connected to the datahub. This week, we spent many hours in the lab soldering and configuring the XBee modules to network, and have found great success. After that, we converted the chair modules to run on battery power. The end result is now that two battery-powered chair modules, attached to real chairs, can communicate with a central datahub.
In addition, I tested the datahub’s connection with the backend API earlier in the week. There were some schema inconsistencies that we had to debug by hand, but now it is all cleaned up. The datahub can convert and format received chair data and send the correct state updates to the backend. A full integration test was ran successfully on Wednesday.
This weekend and early next week, Will and I plan to go into the lab to collect some testing metrics for the hardware components, including network latency, sensor accuracy, and power consumption. After this, I will look towards setting up a second datahub to represent another workspace for the final demo. This will bring us to the final presentation, which we will be putting together over thanksgiving break.