This week I spent the beginning part focused on my peers Design Review presentations, the last of which ended on Wednesday. After that, I looked mainly at the order list for my project component, the raspberry pi Data Hubs. Since the r-pi is the main course of the project component, there isn’t much to order on that front, as I can borrow r-pi’s from the ECE department. However, XBee modules do need to be ordered, and those are going on the list. In addition, I conducted more independent research on how I am going to write the embedded code for the r-pi, smoothing out some questions I had internally about the process.
I also took charge of writing this week’s team status report; the team has decided to go with a round robin approach for completing that weekly report. Early next week I plan to help write the Design Review writeup and get that submitted early. Then, I’m going to draft up some of the r-pi python code, and see if I can’t get my hands on a r-pi to test it on.
In terms of schedule, we’re right on track. It is currently the beginning of October and we are finishing up final designs and starting implementation.