William Foy’s Status Report for Oct 2 2021

This week was spent doing further research in order to find a viable solution for the chair module that meets our requirements. At the beginning of the week, we thought we would switch to using a NodeMCU since it’s cheaper than an Arduino Nano, but then we switched back to the Nano since it consumes less power and we don’t need the WiFi capabilities of the NodeMCU.

I also found a new idea for the chair sensor, which involves the Arduino Capacitive Sensing Library. With some tuned resistors and pieces of aluminum foil, I think we can detect human presence on the chair using this library. More info can be found here https://playground.arduino.cc/Main/CapacitiveSensor/.

I helped our team prepare for the design review as well, which involved making 4 of the slides for our slide deck and working with JJ to prepare for his presentation. I think we are prepared to give a great presentation next week.

I think we are on track according to our schedule. After presentations next week we should be all good to start our implementation. We have a solid design in place with good requirements and a valid testing plan.

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