The week of 12/4 I prepped the final presentation as well as the finishing touches on the system in general for the techspark expo next week. I worked with Alan on the cursor smoothness metrics and we talked about changing the system at a working level by changing which gestures correspond to what. Mainly, we changed click and drag to be a fist, and single click to be an ok sign. This coming week, we’re going to work on planning out the final report and video as well as the techspark demo. I also spent a good amount of time refactoring the code by placing it in classes to make it much neater, since we originally had all the gesture recognition and flow chart logic in the main function of the demo file, so I put that all in a separate class and just called the class functions in the main. I added comments on all the major functions as well, so if we want to reuse this code and work on it in the future, it will be easy to modify. Most of the brunt work for the project is done, and all that’s left is getting our metrics set for the final report including the user testing and questions that we will include in our final report. Overall, I am on track with my work, and we are set to be good for the presentation portions next week.