Andrew’s Status Report

Last week, we had mid-semester break so the team did not submit a status report. Our primary focus that week was working on the design review. This past week, we each completed the ethics assignment and discussed our work in class with both the guest speaker as well as other teams in 18-500 as well as 18-555. As for our actual project, the webcam we ordered arrived this week, so I had to dedicate a bit to setting it up on my computer. I’m still finishing writing up the code for pose estimation, but that is nearly complete. I have started writing the calibration process for our range of motion algorithm. I should have that finished within the next couple of days. The main difficulty now is going to be porting the individual code I have written onto an interface that connects with the OS Interface library, but this is taken into account in our integration phase. As a personal update, I have been injured the past two days and have communicated this with the professor. As such, I’ll be a bit stalled these upcoming next few days, so I’ll be a bit more communicative on my end with regards to that with the team and the teaching staff.

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