Andrew’s Status Report 11/16

This week, I worked more on polishing up the code for the pose estimation. We began integration this week and met several times to discuss the demo as well as piece together the system. I’m working on some sort of smoothing algorithm for the on screen position estimation as right now when we’re updating mouse location with the pose data we’re getting slightly noisy mouse movement when we’re trying to be precise. While we’re still able to click on a unit of smallest pixel frame with relative ease, a big part of our project as we’ve stressed is user experience, and thus, getting smoother cursor movement should be somewhat of a priority. I’m currently thinking about doing an average of pixel motion. Similar to how periodic averaging smooths a signal and acts as a high pass filter, I’m going to test if the same applies here. Since our camera refresh rate is pretty high, it’s safe to assume we have some noise in our hand detection in a stationary position, so we’ll see if this averaging smooths that mild sporacity out. To stress again, this module isn’t a top priority right now as we’re able to perform within our initial specs, but it would be nice to have. Right now, integration of the system takes top priority. I’m on schedule with everything else I have outlined in the gantt chart.

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