Weekly Status Reports

Team Status Update for October 10

Team Status Update for October 10

This week the team had a few successes on both the hardware and software sides. On the hardware side, all the parts finally arrived so we have been able to solder parts together for the EMG system. On the software side, the mock controller has been helpful in serving as an intermediate workaround to test the game while the hardware is being developed. We are a little behind schedule as we would like to collect data in order to begin…

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Tarana’s Status Update for October 10th

Tarana’s Status Update for October 10th

This past week, our parts arrived, so I spent most of my time playing with the hardware and sensors, and designing a system that will connect all eight sensors into the Arduino optimally. I have been soldering wires to all of the sensors individually, and connecting them together with the microcontroller. On the signal processing/software side, I have been sandboxing Arduino code to interface with the eight sensors we intend to us. I have also been exploring options for exporting…

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Alex’s Status Update for October 10:

Alex’s Status Update for October 10:

Because I got to finish the UDP Mock controller last week, I started this week ahead of schedule, and I got more time to work on the game itself. I got to test out and confirm that Unity was responding accordingly and quickly with the UDP Mock controller at this point the next step on the UDP side is to hook it up with real muscle controller and test things out. Now, I am working on making the early backbone…

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Team Status Update for October 3

Team Status Update for October 3

This week our team approved and ordered hardware components for EMG data collection. Our Bill of Materials is here. We settled on the specific arm movements that will control the game as well as where electrodes will be placed on the forearm. Another success is that the specific data collection experimental protocol has been established and a functional game has been created. A Mock Muscle Controller was created in order to decouple the game dependency on the EMG hardware. This…

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Kayla’s Status Update for October 3

Kayla’s Status Update for October 3

This week I spent time doing a thorough literature review of various EMG papers. I learned more about the EMG experimentation set up process in order to design our own experiment to collect EMG forearm data. Reading through EMG papers I found common classification algorithms and successful features extracted to improve EMG movement classification.  I shared with the team my primary experimental set up for data collection. After initial discussion, we decided on initial electrode placement for when we perform…

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Tarana’s Status Update for October 3rd

Tarana’s Status Update for October 3rd

This past week, I got the preliminary hardware up and running, including the MyoWare Muscle Sensor System and the sandbox code for it. I tested a single electrode to verify that our chosen hardware would work before we moved forward with it. With this, we now know that our approach is valid.  Here’s some pictures of the process. This was tested on the right brachioradialis muscle, with the reference electrode put on the humeral medial epicondyle.     I also put…

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Alex’s Status Update for October 3

Alex’s Status Update for October 3

This week I finished the UDP Connection socket and Mock Muscle Controller The development and testing was done in 4 parts: Made both UDP Streamer and Receiver in Python. Rewrote the Receiver in C# and tested its functionality. Integrated the Receiver in the Unity game. Wrote a Mock Muscle Controller that sends data from keyboard inputs using Streamer full testing. This intermediate step of (2) was necessary because (3) has more complicated process, generally taking longer time to debug, so…

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