Will’s Status Update for 11/8

Will’s Status Update for 11/8

Tasks Accomplished:

  • Tested and verified an initial prototype working implementation of sound localization via acousticSL (can identify auditory inputs from places within a 360 degree angle using the CubeMonitor).
  • Tested and integrated against the prototype CAD model’s two mics utilizing the same data line (this verifies that we can have 2 microphones that capture different audio share the same data-line input to the DFSDM and be able to run parallel outputs)

Deliverables for next week:

  • Some noticeable issues that we encountered was: (1) noisy angle detection — which may require adjusting the noise-activation level of the algorithm or software smoothing and (2) amplitude biasing of the microphones — where the audio signal amplitude is offset from 0 by some fixed amount depending on the particular microphone
  • The target for next week is to address the two issues above along with integrating the other two microphones together.

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