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Month: October 2020

Will’s Status Update for 10/25

Will’s Status Update for 10/25

Tasks Accomplished:

  • Completed final design document
  • Installed STM Cube IDE and development environment
  • Experimented with blinking a LED attached to a GPIO port
  • Continued researching DFSDM interfacing of the PDM microphones using a source linked here

To-Do This Week:

  • Receive input from 2-4 mics
  • Configure osxAcousticSL in 2 mic setup and explore the implications of multiple library instantiations
  • Experiment with DFSDM sinc filtering to see effectiveness against noise
Team Status Update For 10/25

Team Status Update For 10/25

Tasks Accomplished

This week we were able to start tinkering around with the parts and setting up the groundwork for future tasks. Most notably, we set up our development toolchain (IDE, debug tools etc), soldered up pins to our boards for development, created a base firmware for our project (with peripherals correctly enabled, syscalls handled, basic NVIC interrupts handled) and ultimately was able to flash a working blinky program to our board. Along with this, we also connected up the mic to the board through the DFSDM.

Potential Risks

As we get closer to our interim presentation with our MVP, we are also running a bit tighter on time. The biggest risk for the upcoming week is not being able to get the microphone system set up and a basic data pipeline working, as this will greatly delay our algorithmic development. Another risk comes from the hardware side of things: we are planning on fabricating (i.e. 3D printing) a prototype wearable assembly, however 3D printing is finnicky and prone to possible errors and delays.

Ram’s Status Post for 10/25

Ram’s Status Post for 10/25

Tasks Accomplished:

Design Doc was completed and submitted

Received parts, installed Cube IDE, toyed around with a basic program.

Figuring out how to corrrectly connect the mic to board and retrieve the audio samples using DFSDM, by reading these two resources: here, and here.

To-Do This Week:

  • Successfully get input from two mics and pass it to the Acoustic SL library
  • Preliminarily see how well GCC-Phat performs
  • Tinker with DFSDM input filtering to improve performance as needed
  • Address open issue from last week of head tilt (mathematically it didn’t seem to be a problem, and since we are getting the parts now, we can just check using the real set-up once we figure out the microphone sampling)
Leon’s Status Update for 10/25

Leon’s Status Update for 10/25

Tasks Accomplished

  • Finished design document and submitted
  • Researched MCU peripherals, specifically the DFSDM
  • Bootstrap MCU and setup toolchain and base project structure for the others to use
    • We are using CubeIDE, and generating base firmware code using CubeMX
  • Set up peripherals for the MCU
  • Successfully flashed first program based on my base firmware onto the Dragonfly board
    • Simple LED blink program
    • Tested both flashing via USB through DFU mode, as well as through the SWD debug interface

Deliverables for upcoming week

As anticipated last week, my time this week was tight due to midterms and other class commitments. However, I was able to successfully do the MCU bootstrapping and toolchain setup. This week I will be sending off the CAD design for fabrication, but more importantly I will be wiring everything up in order for the others to develop. We are currently working with 2 microphones and I hope to have all 4 microphones wired up this week.  I will also start work on the display side of things after the wiring setup is complete.

Will’s Status Update for 10/18

Will’s Status Update for 10/18

Tasks Accomplished:
– Worked/working on design presentation/docs
– Investigated DFSDM filter setup and integration

– Run a few DFSDM filter simulations and implement
– Implement TDOA (with Ram)

Team Status Update for 10/18

Team Status Update for 10/18

Tasks Accomplished:

Finished the design presentation

Working on the design documentation

Received most parts except MCU

Some preliminary testing of the optical set-up


Start building it and coding it up once everything’s here!

Ram’s Status Update for 10/18

Ram’s Status Update for 10/18

Tasks Accomplished:

Presented the team’s design

Worked on the design presentation/docs



Right now we’re waiting for the main part, the MCU, to arrive so we can start implementing our design. This is when the major work begins. Another to-do is to double-check that head tilt does not affect (preliminary math calculations suggest that this is the case, but maybe a simulation would be good, depending on the time vs reward tradeoff).

Leon’s Status Update for 10/18

Leon’s Status Update for 10/18

Tasks Accomplished

  • Finished design review presentation and helped Ram present
  • Worked on design document
  • Iterated slightly on CAD design, currently pending receipt of all parts to confirm sizes
  • Did some preliminary testing with our optics solution
    • Looks promising, preliminary tests I was able to focus on the virtual image through the 22mm lens, although this was using my phone’s OLED screen to test

Deliverables for upcoming week

Parts have nearly completely all arrived, however the most important part, the MCU, is still in transit. This has caused us to go a bit behind schedule. This week I will be modularizing the rest of the CAD design (I have a optics module mostly set), and running tests on the optics and microphone systems. The MCU is scheduled to arrive early in the week, and I will put most of my focus on bootstrapping it for development so that I can hand it off to Ram and Will, allowing us to have synchronized toolchains and the ability to work in parallel.

This coming week I do have some midterms so time might be tight. If I’m unable to do my the MCU bootstrapping and toolchain setup, I’ll hand it off to the others.

Team Status Update for 10/11

Team Status Update for 10/11

Tasks Accomplished

The team has finished up our trade studies and also compiled the BOM and sent it out for review. We hope to get our parts soon to start work on MVP building.

We have finished our system architecture, including block diagrams for both hardware and software aspects of our project. We will be working on our design document this week, as well as hopefully start receiving parts to begin our MVP work.

Potential Risks

  • Not receiving any parts in the next week
    • Design can continue in the CAD design and circuit schematic fronts. Research can also be done by perusing existing code.
  • Other classes eating into our time (midterm season)
    • Most work can be done in parallel so we will be able to work without meeting, possibly saving time

Our design has changed to not include an FPGA, and is now purely driven by an MCU. We have also discussed many ways to mount the microphone, results of some of our discussions are in the scanned sketch below:

Our schedule is still in place but we are a little bit behind, particularly on the circuit schematic as well as the parts ordering.

Will’s Status Update for 10/11

Will’s Status Update for 10/11

  1. Performed current/power calculations for determining the battery
  2. Finalized BOM with team together
  3. Worked and codified design and slides with rest of team
  4. Investigated osxAcousticSL library interfaces