For the cloud part of the project, the pipeline works fine. There are no significant risks in terms of machine learning. For the website, the biggest risk is that it may not communicate easily with the central node. However, this risk can easily be mitigated with clear communication between Krish and Arjun, who are in charge of the website and central node communications.
Arjun’s status update for 31/10
I worked on fine tuning the echo server in python. Pablo and Arjun will need to discuss a protocol for how the nano and particle argons will communicate with each other. This week was a little extra hectic due to unforeseen circumstances so I didn’t have time to do as much as I wanted.
According to the gannt chart we are a bit behind schedule, but the next major task is for Pablo and Arjun to talk about protocol between central and camera nodes, which we can do this week.
Pablo’s Status Update for 31/10
I unfortunately did not get as much done this week as I had anticipated. This week was more hectic than usual, and I realized I had a flaw in my implementation, meaning that I have to refactor my code to correct the error.
I spent a good amount of time of the ethics reading and response this week. I found the fictional Ad Empathy technology design to be scarily realistic and probable uses for nefarious purposes hit a little too close to home considering Cambridge Analytica and the upcoming election. I suppose it is Halloween, so a bit of spookiness is to be expected haha. Additionally, thinking about ethics and how it relates to our project was a little sobering; I realized that if this project were to grow to become a commercial application, data security needs to be a priority as this information can be harmful if used for individual tracking.
I am currently a week behind schedule on delivering images good enough to start developing the model. I intend to spend this upcoming week setting up the node in my apartment so that I can start getting preliminary images sent, so Krish can continue working on the model.