This week I worked a lot with the computer vision algorithm trying to make it more robust. I took the camera outside and tested the algorithm in daylight. At first, even if the camera angle changed a little, the ball stopped being detected. Furthermore, I was outside for a few hours and I noticed that as the daylight itself changed, I found that I had to retune the algorithm to work. However, after rewriting some of the code and tuning the parameters of the HSV color space, I believe that I have finally found a happy medium threshold where the tennis ball is detected all the time in daylight.
I also spent some time this week helping my team write the design review document. We were hoping to have feedback from the professors regarding our design process by now but we have not heard anything.
Next week, I plan on working with Rashmi in order to integrate her working with regards to the motion planning of the iRobot and my computer vision algorithm. I’m not sure how this process is going to go as neither one of us has really worked in the other’s domain. I anticipate that this process of integrating it and then finetuning the motions and fixing the issues that arise will take us this whole week and possibly some of next week.