(11/8) Weekly Status Update: Jeffrey

(11/8) Weekly Status Update: Jeffrey

This week I did more research into our trilateration method and how we were going to get it to work. After writing up ways of how our trilateration would work, I realized a major flaw in our design. The trilateration design that people have implemented 

(11/1) Weekly Status Update: Jeffrey

(11/1) Weekly Status Update: Jeffrey

This week I wrote a wifi scan program for the hub to survey the area for wireless access points, so we can use those rssi values for our trilateration calculations. I also added a task scheduler to the main hub program. To save the task 

(11/01) Team Weekly Status Update

(11/01) Team Weekly Status Update

This week, we made major headway on the hub and embedded fronts. We were able to connect the button to the hub and mimic the wearable to send location scan data, which the hub was able to parse. On a separate note, we were also 

(11/01) Weekly Status Update: Shivani

(11/01) Weekly Status Update: Shivani

This week, I spent a lot of time at the site of testing our device(my teammates’ house), and managed to accomplish a bunch of things regarding the actual protocol of the image transfer. 1) Capturing Image over a sequence of time and preprocessing This base 

(11/01) Weekly Status Update: David

(11/01) Weekly Status Update: David

This week was pretty hectic. After realizing the the GEMMA M0 lacked sufficient I/O ports to adequately control the breakout board, we were in a frantic rush to replace it with new hardware. We settled on the Trinket M0, which offers more I/O. We almost ran 

(10/25) Weekly Status Update: Jeffrey

(10/25) Weekly Status Update: Jeffrey

This week I worked on parsing location messages from the wearable device. The wearable device encodes messages slightly different than messages sent by another pi, because messages from the wearable devices are all sent using raw bytes rather than a string converted to bytes. I 

(10/25) Weekly Status Update: David

(10/25) Weekly Status Update: David

This week was very exciting for me. In addition to working out some major kinks in my wifi connectivity, I was finally able to connect to Jeffrey’s test server that was set up on the RPi4. From there, it was only a little while longer 

(10/24) Weekly Status Update: Shivani

(10/24) Weekly Status Update: Shivani

I have been having carpal tunnel issues for a while, and this week it aggravated beyond control so I had to visit the doctor. I was given a hand brace, to help posture my wrist better. This has affected my efficiency as, I can’t type 

(10/18) Weekly Status Update: Shivani

(10/18) Weekly Status Update: Shivani

This week I set up a remote desktop on the Raspberry Pi Zero W with a VNC viewer, to be able to see the input from the camera. And started taking pictures of the platform we have designated as our initial clutter test zone. Initially, 

(10/18) Weekly Status Update: David

(10/18) Weekly Status Update: David

This past week was a great time of development on the embedded systems side of things! We hit a couple milestones. I finally got communication working smoothly with the breakout board. The Wi-Fi driver is tentatively complete. I was able to successfully use the driver