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Category: Charlotte’s Updates

[Charlotte] Status Update 12.7.2019

[Charlotte] Status Update 12.7.2019

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? We got everything ready for the final demo this past Monday.  We did more testing of our whole system to gather metrics on our project.  We created a presentation.  I deliver the final presentation on Monday.  I finished some last touches on the CADed pieces of our project and laser cut out the boxes that would be storing our Sensor Hubs.  I also working more on the final paper. Is…

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[Charlotte] Status Update 11.30.2019

[Charlotte] Status Update 11.30.2019

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? I have worked on the CADing wedges, cones, and boxes to hold our sensor system.  I have also worked on design schematics that will go into our final design doc, and I have put in work moving towards our final in-class presentation. Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule? Alisha and I are right…

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[Charlotte] Status Update 11.23.2019

[Charlotte] Status Update 11.23.2019

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? I built 2 more study carrels so we now have a total of 3 study carrels built out of foam poster board.  I also painted sheets with the conductive paint.  I worked with Alisha to get the wiring ready so that she could solder the PIR sensors on a solderable breadboard.  I created wedges from left over scraps of foam at different angles that we used to test the best…

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[Charlotte] Status Update 11.16.2019

[Charlotte] Status Update 11.16.2019

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Towards the beginning of this week we made sure that at Pi Cap and PIR sensor worked properly when both connected to the same RPi.  We also updated the object that we are sending from our sub hubs to the UI, so it receives a list from each sub hub and that list is made up of objects that contain a zone, rpi ID, carrel ID, and the occupancy status. …

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[Charlotte] Status Update 11.9.2019

[Charlotte] Status Update 11.9.2019

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? This week Alisha and I worked together on tasks more than we have in the past few weeks because we are in the process of bringing our whole project together.  Last Sunday and Monday morning we got ready for our demo at the beginning of the week.  It was on Wednesday that we actually demoed.  After that, I worked on researching how to write a script that would automatically execute…

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[Charlotte] Status Update 11.2.2019

[Charlotte] Status Update 11.2.2019

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? This week I was able to get wifi communication working between the Rpis.  Our focus for this past week/weekend was to get the pipeline of our system working.  By that I mean getting a sub hub to send information about the status of a PIR sensor to our main sensor hub that will then send this information to our UI built using React.  The majority of the pipeline is now…

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[Charlotte] Status Update 10.26.2019

[Charlotte] Status Update 10.26.2019

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? I have spent time this week researching and working on get Rpis to communicate over wifi with TCP connections.  I am currently in California for over a week, so not being in lab has made working on the project a little more difficult.  However, I traveled with 2 Rpis, the necessary power supplies, the pi cap, and a few other this, which is what has made it possible to accomplish…

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[Charlotte] Status Update 10.19.19

[Charlotte] Status Update 10.19.19

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? We finished up our Design doc this past Monday because we had a mixup about the deadline of the design doc.  I finally successfully got the Rpi to connect to wifi.  This allowed me to download and install the software to code the Pi Cap.  After following those steps I tested the Pi Cap in lab.  You can adjust the sensitivity of the conductive tabs so that they work more…

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[Charlotte] Status Update 10.12.19

[Charlotte] Status Update 10.12.19

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? This week I spent lots time attempting to get the Raspberry Pi connected to wifi.  This unfortunately is taking a lot longer than initial anticipated.  I spent countless hours in lab researching how to connect the Rpi to wifi as well as communicating with Shreyas (our TA) and getting suggestions from him.  These attempts included trying to connect to every network the Rpi recognized, trying to connect to a hotspot…

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[Charlotte] Status Update 10.5.2019

[Charlotte] Status Update 10.5.2019

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? This week I put in time testing sensors with Alisha.  I worked on the slides for the presentation and created a flow diagram of what our sensor hub would look like (see image below).  We tested a PIR sensor and worked towards testing an ultrasonic sensor.  Much time went into setting up our RaspberryPi. We actually realize that one of the RaspberryPis that we checkout from the hub does not…

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