[Charlotte] Status Update 10.5.2019
What did you personally accomplish this week on the project?
This week I put in time testing sensors with Alisha. I worked on the slides for the presentation and created a flow diagram of what our sensor hub would look like (see image below). We tested a PIR sensor and worked towards testing an ultrasonic sensor. Much time went into setting up our RaspberryPi. We actually realize that one of the RaspberryPis that we checkout from the hub does not work. I also have been doing research about the monetary cost and power cost of the sensor hub we intend to build.
Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?
I have been doing onsite interviews in California for the past 3 days and have another on Tuesday, so I did not accomplish as much as I had hoped to this week. I will correct that by focusing more time into the project the next two day and next week to stay on track.
What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?
In the next week I plan to have a completely thought out analysis for the monetary and power costs of our sensor hub. The slides that Alisha and I have worked on will also be done for the presentation and the design doc will be worked on and completed by its due date.