Status Update 10/28

Michael- Fixed problem where could only parse midi file from local file system. Now I have flow of application working so that I can upload a midi file, and a midi file with generated chords combined will then be downloaded for the user. This is important as we can now test our machine learning algorithm more quickly and easily and will work this we to see how we are for the midpoint demo. I will also continue to work on making the flow of  the application better as right now it is in a pretty bare minimum state. The user just receives an updated midi file with chords. I would like to better incorporate the javascript midi player with the midi files we generate.

Chris – Last week I started working on a key finding algorithm and doing researches in this area. This week I evaluated the two approached I could take: machine learning and algorithmic, and decided to go with the latter for the season that it is more practical in terms of both time and efforts. I researched a few existing libraries and decided to proceed with Music21, one developed by MIT. The key finding algorithm, the Krumhansl Schmuckler algorithm is based on a statistical modal, which calculates the probability of any melody being in any key. Usually, the key with the highest likelihood is then selected. While this algorithm cannot guarantee a 100% accuracy, it is well enough for the purpose of our project. I Learned about using the module, or more specifically, I understood the concept of note and stream in music21, and how to apply them in the key finding algorithm. For the coming Monday, I will work with Michael on his data parsing part as some classes he wrote earlier may not be compatible with music21. Then I will incorporate the Krumhansl Schmuckler algorithm in our code.

Aayush – managed to get reasonable results from processing simple midi files. Working on identifying datasets that can give us the best results.

Status Update 10/21

Michael- Finished an algorithm to parse midi files to format useable by machine learning algorithm. It currently only works with type-0 midi files which is one track. This is not a bad assumption for our use case for now since we are focused on a melody and not multiple instruments at once. However other type midi files can typically be transposed in the future if need be. Used the mido library for the current algorithm. However was having some difficulties with inconsistencies between midi files and looked into mingus and LilyPond library to convert to a sheet music object and then parse. Ended up being able to figure out the parsing with mido so this is not needed at the time. For next week I want to work on the output algorithm going from machine learning output back to  midi file and then incorporating with webapp.

Chris – This week has been a really busy one for me, just spent another weekend in New York for an interview; please pardon me for my lateness in making this post. My main task for the past week, and for the coming week as well is to figure out how to algorithmically decide the key, or in another word, the scale of a melody. This is crucial because the assumption we made for our main machine learning model is that all input melodies are already transposed to Cmaj key, which requires us to find the key of the melody in the first place. Although some MIDI file comes with the key in the metadata, we cannot guarantee that it is the case for all customized user inputs. I spent the majority of the time the past week researching the background of music key determinization, and it turns out to be much more complicated than originally expected. There are two popular approaches, the first one being the Krumhansl-Schmuckler key-finding algorithm (, which is a statistical approach, and the other being a machine learning approach ( I have been researching both methods and evaluating which one is suitable for our project in terms of time, scale, and feasibility.

Aayush – got the lstm to predict chords, they are fairly reasonable from a music theoretic viewpoint, i.e. the notes in each bar generally correspond to the notes of the chord. Very limited testing has been done though, will now work on evaluation and testing different features/output prediction formats. Will then move onto dataset curation and hyperparameter tuning subject to results

Weekly Status Update 10/15

Michael-Spent the bulk of this week working on the design presentation and design paper. For this coming week, the goal is to have the web app working all the way up to being in the correct format to input into the machine learning algorithm.  This involves sending file from javascript to python backend and then parsing it into the proper format.

Aayush – Spent this week trying out the ML Model to create an MVP for the chord prediction. Manually chose some songs in the C major scale and used these to train the network. The results were encouraging, so for the next week, I plan to generalize my parsing framework for the Wikifonia dataset (since for now there are certain hardcoded variables). I will try to train the model with all songs, and then filter songs that have complicated chords (suspended chords, uncommon modifications etc), and then compare results. The hope is to get an MVP that can then be used to label popular songs based on our ratings of the system.

Chirs – Most of my week last was spent preparing for the design presentation, and writing the design paper. For the past week, I also spent a decent amount of time studying the BLSTM model libraries and some existing code. In the coming week, I will work with Aayush to try to achieve an MVP which we can use our current dataset to train on and to get the model working for data input of four measures.

Weekly Status Update 10/6

Michael – Continued to work on programming the web application. Can successfully load and play a midi file. Still working on being able to send the midi file from javascript to python. My goal for the coming week is to work on the design documents firstly and make sure I understand all the libraries need for processing the midi files.

Chris – For the past week I took a deeper dive into the machine learning algorithm. I was mainly looking at the BLSTM and HMM. Additionally, I looked into how to use Keras, a Python machine learning library to set up the BLSTM algorithm. For the coming week, my goal is to work with Aayush to get the machine learning algorithm going to a point that we can feed the test music data in and get some reasonable output. On the side, for the past week, I also spent some time looking at some music theory documents to understand the mechanism behind how chords and melody work together. This way when we have the test ready and going, I will be able to evaluate, music-theory-wise, of the quality of our chord outputs, instead of just listening to them and judging by ear.

Aayush – I have been working on machine learning tests. I found a model here ( that used lstm’s and Gated Recurrent Units (GRU’s) for chord generation, however when we reproduced their results, they was quite poor, mostly due to lack of data. With the help of this code however, I was able to identify changes we would need to make to process the wikifonia dataset, and to implement the design proposed in the presentation in Keras. This includes adding the bidirectional layer (well supported in keras) and zero padding to handle songs of varying length. Working this week on the design presentation, followed by implementing the model in using the wikifonia dataset.