Weekly Status Update 9/29

Michael – I was working on researching different libraries for working with midi files.  I have found http://www.midijs.net/midijs_api.html useful for playing back the midi files using javascript in the browser. I believe https://mido.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ will be useful for manipulating the midi data in python for our machine learning application. I am working on a web application to upload a midi file and play it back using midijs.  I will continue to work on the web application and make sure our inputs and outputs match and are compatible with what we expect the inputs and outputs of our machine learning algorithm to be.

Chris – For the past week I have been putting most of my time and energy researching algorithms for chord generation, mainly BLSTM, and comparing them with RNN and HMM model. A few useful Python frameworks to look at might include Keras (https://keras.io/). We want to push to run some simple test on the music data we found last week with the LSTM model

Aayush – Studying the theory about neural networks and RNN’s to better understand how RNN’s are useful for modeling time series data. The aim is to design a simple test similar to the ones described in this paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1712.01011.pdf. We chose this paper as they had a well labelled dataset. Then we can develop a simple POC of our chord generation system and use the results to guide our design.

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