Status Update 10/20/2018


  • set up MCU 6050 accelerometer and tried to set up MAX3050 for getting readings.
  • the MAX3050 component we have is not working so we are going to have to wait for a new one to come in.


  • converted code to python
  • recorded accelerometer data from my sleep
  • updated version of open CV
  • updated the design doc
  • planned demo components
  • updated parameters in sleep wake algo


  • Worked on android app to gather accelerometer data for testing purposes. Later, realized that it is faster to just download an app from the play store and stopped working on the app
  • Tweaked the eye detection algorithm to make it work in dimly lit conditions. Used a couple of filters along with gamma detection.

Status update 10/6/18

Angela :
I implemented simple signal processing algos to identify sleep wake cycles, I tried to find different data sets to do sleep wake training on, I downloaded open CV.


I set up the teensy board and set up arduino IDE to program the teensyboard. I also got all the parts and am trying to figure out how to program the different sensors.

I downloaded openCV, implemented basic face detection algorithm and sort of working eye open/close detection