Architectural Longview Term Paper
You will write a paper review of no more than 5 single-column, 1.5-spaced, 10pt font pages that analyzes in detail one of the papers from the first half of the Reading List, i.e., the papers up to and including the Dark Silicon paper. The paper will be structured as a short summary of the paper, followed by a well-substantiated write-up of both sides of the argument for accepting or rejecting the paper. For this assignment you will review in depth the paper that you select. Your paper will be divided into three roughly equal sections: (i) Summary of main technical contributions, including context from other papers in the class as necessary; (ii)Pro: the argument in favor of accepting this paper for publication; (iii)Con: the argument against accepting this paper for publication. This assignment requires you to debate with yourself to form a well-rounded opinion of the ideas in the paper that you have selected. In your Pro and Con sections, try to avoid re-summarizing the content. Instead, discuss why (or why not) the ideas are sound, novel, important at the time of writing, important to the state of computing today (i.e., lasting impact), and convincingly evaluated. After you make the argument for and against the paper that you have selected, write a summary paragraph reaching a conclusion: do we accept the paper to our conference, citing specific, important contributions? Or do we reject, asking for specific improvements?Include figures in your paper as necessary to support your arguments. You should work alone on this assignment. You are expected to cite all ideas that come from existing work. You are expected to support your arguments with evidence. You should start on this assignment only after the class on Dark Silicon. You should start this assignment only after March 16th, when we have finished the class session on Power and Dark Silicon. This assignment is due, Friday 4/2/2021 11:59:59pm. Submit your paper as a pdf document via Canvas.