18-642 Project 9

Updated 6/28/2021. Changelog

Learning objective: create unit tests for a piece of non-trivial software.

This project has you unit-test your turtle's statechart. You will get experience using CUnit assertions and writing mock functions for unit tests. You must achieve 100% coverage on the transitions of the statechart, and achieve 100% branch coverage of the code. You will also compile your code with warnings, which you will have to take care of in the next project.

We strongly recommend using CUnit if you want to do embedded software in industry, because it is representative of test frameworks we've seen in the embedded industry. However, if you really want to use another unit testing framework such as Google Test that is OK, but no support will be provided if you run into problems.

Lab Files:

Hints/Helpful Links:


  1. Read over the CUnit documentation:
    1. Writing CUnit Test Cases
    2. Managing tests and suites (this is good to know at a high level, but do not get bogged down in the details -- the example code will have all that you need)
    3. Example code
  2. Build, run, and study the example system and its unit tests:
    1. The example code is in $ECE642RTLE_DIR/cUnit_example.
    2. Study dummy_turtle.cpp. This code implements the following statechart:
    3. Note that dummy_turtle.cpp calls two functions ( set_orientation() and will_bump()) that we expect would be implemented in some file like student_maze. However, in order to unit test dummy_turtle, we need a way to mock up these functions in our unit testing framework. We do this by replacing the header file we use while testing:
      • #ifdef testing
        #include "student_mock.h"
        #ifndef testing
        #include "student.h"
        #include "ros/ros.h"
      • If testing is #define'd (we do this in the g++ command below), the file uses "student_mock.h". If the line were not present, the file would use "student.h" and "ros/ros.h" as usual.
    4. The mock functions are implemented in mock_functions.cpp. Study how mock_orientation and mock_bump are used to mock up the orientation output and will_bump input variable of the state chart.
    5. Take a look at how Transitions T1 and T2 are tested in student_test.cpp (lines 11-17, 19-26). In particular, note that the at_end input variable is passed as an input to moveTurtle. Your own code might pass input variables as inputs to a function, or use methods (such as bumped()) to fetch them, and the example shows both ways of handling these cases.
    6. Note that test_t1 and test_t2 test the output (set by the starting state) and the resultant state. Your tests shall do the same.
    7. Build the example:
      g++ -Dtesting -o student_tests student_test.cpp dummy_turtle.cpp mock_functions.cpp -lcunit
      The -Dtesting flag functions the same as #define testing would in the file, and -lcunit tells the compiler to link the CUnit library.
    8. Run the example (./student_tests)and observe the output. It should match the following:
    9. Change something (such as the output orientation in S1) in dummy_turtle.cpp to make a test fail. Verify that the test fails by building and running the example again.
  3. Use CUnit to test your own student_turtle state chart implementation.
    1. Copy the sample student_test.cpp to include your andrew ID in the file name: [AndrewID]_student_test.cpp. In our discussion any reference to "student_test" is to this file with your Andrew ID. This is the file you shall include in your builds, your hand-ins, etc.
      • Also include your name and andrew ID in that file as a comment in the first few lines of the file.
    2. Include the same #ifdef testing blocks as in dummy_turtle.cpp at the top of student_turtle.cpp. As in the example, implement mocks of any student_maze functions you call.
    3. You should be able to use the same student_turtle.cpp in your regular ece642rtle build and your unit test build without modifying the file between builds. See the hints for more specifics on this topic.
    4. Make sure your student_turtle state chart implementation is easy to instrument for testing -- we recommend moving your main state chart logic to a routine that takes the current state as one of the inputs and returns the next state, like in dummy_turtle.cpp.
    5. You may need to make new getter/setter methods to mock up any data structures you have (for example, instead of accessing a visit counts array directly, you may need to create a method called visit_array_at(int,int) ). In some cases the smartest approach will be to modify your code to make it easier to test rather than deal with an overly difficult mock up. That tradeoff happens in industry projects too. If there is an aspect of your code that is particularly difficult to mock up in this way, please talk to us in office hours.
    6. Set up the CUnit framework as in the example, and write unit tests for your code. Provide a script to build and run your tests: AndrewID_build_run_tests.sh. The architecture of the the testing files up to you, but remember all files you create shall have your name and Andrew ID embedded in the source code as a comment and the primary student_test file shall have your andrew ID in the file name as previously stated.
    7. You shall use the compiler flag value-Dtesting to make testing defined when running unit tests. (This preprocessor directive defines "testing" just as if a #define had been place in a source code file.) In a Makefile, you can use CPPFLAGS +=-Dtesting . You should not have #define testing anywhere in your code and only enable it in the build commands, so that we can grade your project seamlessly.
    8. Your unit tests shall meet the following requirements:
      1. 100% transition coverage: Test every transition in the statechart. Write tests according to your state chart diagram and requirements documentation (not your code). Writing tests based on documentation and running them on your code is a way of verifying if your implementation matches your documentation. Annotate code to statechart traceability by including comments in your unit test code that map to transitions. It is fine for one test to map to more than one transition, but every transition must be tested and annotated in the code.
      2. Up to 100% data coverage: If your transition tests do not cover all combinations of input variables, write 8 additional tests (if fewer than 8 tests are needed to achieve 100% data coverage, write up to the number of tests necessary to achieve that coverage) to test these combinations (for example, in the dummy example, state==s1, at_end==false and will_bump==false is a possible combination).
      3. 100% branch coverage: Write any additional tests to achieve 100% branch coverage in your state chart handling code (including subroutines). This means you have to figure out how to exercise any default: switch statements. Note that this is simple "branch coverage" and not MCDC coverage. We recommend, but do not require, 100% MCDC coverage.
    9. Build and run your tests.
    10. Spend at least one hour fixing any failing unit tests (it is OK to spend less than one hour if all tests are fixed). Take note of any tests you did not fix. You will have pass all your unit tests by the next Project.
  4. Update your build package.
  5. Answer the following questions in a writeup:
    1. Include a screen capture or output file capture snippet that shows the output of your unit testing, showing tests running and any tests that have failed.
    2. Make an argument that you achieved 100% transition coverage, 100% (or approaching) data coverage, and 100% branch coverage. You do not have to describe every obvious test case, but talk about how you handled any special cases and your general strategy.
    3. Did you have any failing tests before you fixed things? Why did they fail? For the ones you fixed, how was the experience of fixing them?
    4. List any tests that are failing at the time of turn-in. Briefly give a plan for fixing them for the next project.
    5. Include your statechart, including any updates you made for this project. It should match the transition tests you wrote. Your statechart should reflect the code you submit. We strongly suggest you update other parts of your design, but you do not have to turn them in.
    6. Do you have any feedback about this project? (Include your name in the writeup)
  6. Note: The next project will have you fix all the failing unit tests you encountered in this Project, and will also have you implement an invariant. Since there is some slack built in to this project that carries over to the next project, plan your time accordingly. You should get all your unit tests passing this week, but that is not a strict requirement.

Handin checklist:

Hand in the following:

  1. Your build file: AndrewID_P09.tgz
  2. Your writeup, called p09_writeup_[FamilyName]_[GivenName]_[AndrewID].pdf the elements of the writeup should be integrated into a single .pdf file. Please don't make the TAs sift through a directory full of separate image and text files.

Other requirements:

Zip the two files and submit them as P09_[Family name]_[First name]_[Andrew ID].zip.
The rubric for the project is found here.


(If you have hints of your own please e-mail them to the course staff and, if appropriate, we'll add to this list.)
