Project Concept
- 1. Create a mirror controlled by hand motions and voice commands
- 2. Audio output and visual response on screen
- 3. Self Defogs!
Project Motivation
- 1. People want to plan their schedules in the morning after a shower!
- 2. Create a cloud based interactive smart mirror.
- 3. Allows people to multitask and micromanage their lives.
- 4. “This changes everything.”
Project Requirements
Basic Requirements
- 1. M4 shall be able to receive:
- -> vocal commands via microphone
- -> motion commands via Leap Motion sensor
- -> Image information via camera
- 2. effect the appropriate corresponding action, and provide audio/visual feedback corresponding to success or failure of the action.
Functional Requirements
- 1. Voice/motion controlled UI
- 2. Dynamic WebApp based UI that will be controlled by voice and motion commands
- 3. Makeup Filter
- 4. Defogger
- 5. Sensors that will be able to detect when mirror is fogged + automatically defog mirror
- 6. Cloud Based Services
- 7. Alexa
- 8. Google Products
Project Components
- 1. LCD TV/Monitor
- 2. Raspberry Pi
- 3. Two Way Mirror
- 4. Wood
- 5. Leap Motion Controller
- 6. Microphone
- 7. Speakers
- 8. Humidity Sensor
- 9. Thermoelectric Material (defogging)