
Tech Specs

OuiCan Team

Photo Gallery


Meet the OuiCan Team


Karim Elmaaroufi

Karim is a senior in ECE with an interest in operating system design. He spent last semester abroad in Switzerland. Karim is aided with the OuiCan app design, custom printed circuit board layout, and overall wiring and aesthetic of the design.


Santo Ko

Santo is a masters student in the Mechanical Engineering. He is interested in embedded systems electronics and aided with the control flow design and sensor programming, as well as the mechanical design of the custom base for weight monitoring.


Christi Martin

Christi is a senior in ECE with a background in embedded systems and robotics. She was primarily responsible for the overall programming of the raspberry pi and system level design including individual component integration.


Omar Skalli

Omar is a senior ECE student who also spent last summer abroad in Switzerland. He enjoys pcb design, mixed martial arts, and snowboarding. He is designer and programmer for the OuiCan iOS application and designer of the custom analog weight sensing circuitry.