Nowadays people are usually escorted on a tour with a human guide. The lack of tour guides makes tour groups large, where each individual cannot get enough attention to get all their questions answered. Using the airParrot drone and a rasberry pi, we can change all of that. We now have the power of unlimited tour guides, with unlimited time, that can take individuals on tours on their time frames, and provide information, only limited by the clients curiosity.
This product is a potential competitor. But the key difference however is that this product offers pre-recorded tours in video form. Our product on the othe hand offers real time campus tour where the user is in control over which direction to go, etc. This feature coupled with the fact that there is a detailed description of the area being viewed on the video stream makes our product more interactive in our opinion, rather than passive.
The main advantage of our product over actual tour guides is that you can avoid travelling to the campus to explore and just do so from the comfort of your home.