Risks | Mitigation |
Large scale design, heavy wiring. | Focus on modularity. Rather than a single microcontroller working all LEDs, each distinct element will have its own standalone command module that handles the LED cluster. Therefore failures, if any, will be isolated and easily identified on the module level. |
Water issues. | Protective water resistant layer over electronics and painting. |
Drawing too much power through the power source. | Mathematically calculate the circuits breaking point. |
Unfamiliarity with large scale and structural design. | IC for structure/water components do research and complete proof of concept models before it is incorporated into the final design.. |
Several discrete elements for the final design. | Tasks are allocated with separate ICs dedicated to troubleshooting the various components. Project will be built from bottom up with most critical/basic elements completed first, and complex elements added on in subsequent weeks.. |
Name of Test Case | Why | How |
Power Down Test | To make sure that our project shuts down safely and quickly. | We are going to remove the power and time how long the device takes to turn off. We will measure this test using a stopwatch. We will report mean, mode, min, and max for the times it takes to shut down. We aim to achieve reproducibility by making sure we are powering down the device from the same state every single time. We are not able to automate this test. |
Power on test | To make sure that our project turns on safely and quickly | We are going to turn on the power and time how long it takes everything to get up and running. We will measure this test using a stopwatch and report mean, mode, min, and max for the time it takes to shut down. We aim to achieve reproducibility by making sure we power on everything with the same amount of sensors and lights every time we test |
Quantity of Lights | We are going to do this test so we can test how many lights can be powered by the arduino and the power supply. | We want to run this test so we can see how many leds we can power from the power supply. This is to ensure that we do not overload the system. We are going to get a number on the max number of LEDs that we can support on the painting. |
Sensor Sensitivity Test | To make sure that sensors do not over-react or under-perform so that we can ignore trivial environment influence on the sensors and also that user feel comfortable interacting with the painting. | We will test out the sensitivity of each sensor by monitoring the sensor outputs on the arduino IDE. We will choose the most appropriate range of sensitivity thresholds and use it in our codes. |
WaterProof Test Case | To make sure that the fountain we use does not damage the painting | Run the water with the painting and make sure that neither the painting nor the electric parts are damaged. |
Simultaneous Sensor Test | To make sure that different sensors do not interrupt each other because we don't want other sensor actions to stop or change current sensor action. | We will activate multiple sensors at the same time and record their behaviours. We will use random tests to try out different combinations of sensor inputs. |
Microphone Amplifier
Breadboard of our microphone amplifier