18-549 Home > Resources > Project-Related Resources > Design Reviews


At every presentation day, each team will make a short presentation of a specific milestone of its project. Each student will also need to complete a design review in class of all of the other teams presenting on that day. Only one review needs to be submitted per team. The quality of your review affects your grade. The more detailed your review and the more useful/helpful you have been, the better your grade for that portion of your grade. Here are the instructions for completing the reviews.

1. Proposal, Requirements, Competitive Analysis: Complete the review using the Form for Design Review #1 (CMU-only access). In this document, you are asked to review the strengths and weaknesses with regards to how the team has articulated their project concept, requirements and competition. The anticipated risks are your predictions, to the best of your ability, of where the team is likely to experience challenges in the design and implementation stages of their project.

2. Mid-Semester Presentation & Demo: Complete the review using the Form for Design Review #2 (CMU-only access). In this document, you are asked to review another team's architecture, use cases, risks and risk-mitigation strategies, to the best of your ability. You are also asked to provide any advice or pointers, particularly to provide input about where the team is likely to experience challenges in the design and implementation stages of their project.

3. Test Plan and Experimental Validation: Complete the review using the Form for Design Review #3 (CMU-only access). In this document, you are asked to review another team's test and experimentation plan, to the best of your ability. You are also asked to provide any advice or pointers, particularly to provide input about where the team is likely to encounter risks in the upcoming implementation and test stages of their project.

4. The Final Demo & Video: Complete the review using the Form for Design Review #4 (CMU-only access). In this document, you are asked to review another team's inital experimental results and last phases of implementation and testing, to the best of your ability. You are also asked to provide any advice or pointers, particularly to provide input about where the team is likely to encounter difficulties in the upcoming final phases of their project.