Kaitlyn’s Status Report for 2/24/24
Work Done
I finished working on functions to call the APIs and set everything up for both TomTom and HERE.
I also set up the SUMO simulation software on my laptop. This took really long because I was originally using my Macbook to install it, but I realized my Macbook doesn’t have administrator privileges so it can’t run some of the parts of SUMO, so I had to redo the setup on my Windows laptop. I then was able to make a simulation of the intersection near my apartment using the Open Street Map software SUMO comes included with. I am still working on how I can change the amount of cars at specific areas to simulate API data we get as well as figuring out TrACI, which is how we can import the data from the simulation into Python code.
Everything seems to be on track for the most part. I do need to extend the SUMO integration task a little longer until Monday because there was a lot of trouble getting it set up on my Macbook originally and now I am using my Windows laptop to run it instead. This took a lot longer than expected when setting up and I realized there are a lot of different tools to play with in SUMO that I want to look through to make sure I am simulating everything well.
I also moved the API to optimization algorithm pipeline task to be later, since I don’t know exactly how I want the input until I get further in the ML algorithm.
Tasks This Week
- Finish SUMO integration with TrACI
- Continue working on optimization algorithm
- API to optimization algorithm pipeline