Ria’s Status Report for 2/17/2024

I spent majority of this week ironing out the design review slides and its content trying to weigh all pros and cons of every decision we made and making sure we didn’t leave any major loopholes.

The first thing I focused on was the board we are using. Our current communication protocol called for bluetooth but since Gesture Glove found that bluetooth resulted in them not meeting timing requirements, we thought the IoT Nano board might be a good option – but it has less compute. Since we are more concerned with functionality first, we will make an iteration with the BLE Sense board then switch to IoT when we get to wireless communication.

I also tried to spend ample time on breaking down each subtask into smaller subtasks as much as possible. This was a joint effort with my team mates which involved creating more action items for our schedule and refining the block diagram as well as creating a data flow chart.


Ria’s Status Report for 2/10/2024

I spent this week doing a ton of research on what compute to use for our design as well as some lower level ideas for the software implementation. These were all things I presented in the team meetings so that we could further our design into a more complete product.

I first looked at the macro level of the project and found gloves that we could iterate on. I found some very basic ones on amazon that were cotton and we decided to use those for now.

Then I researched a few designs for how the compute would be set up. The full fleshed idea would ideally have two boards, one on each hand doing all compute and all interactions with the world. But since this is a really complex design, we decided to break our project up into rapid prototypes with the first one being a single working glove communicating to a computer via bluetooth. Thinking through the processes involved and breaking down the problem into subcomponents helped me better visualize the future of the class and product.

I proposed a few boards: Jetson Nano, Arduino Nano 33, and the Pi Zero. With the information each of us provided to the conversations helped us prepare for next week when we do finalize a design.