Ria’s Status Report for 4/6/2024

This week I worked on finalizing the PCB, creating the documents to submit the order (bill of materials as well as file detailing part placement). I am in contact with the vendor and we will hopefully get our PCB delivered very soon with no issues. I followed best practices when creating this design, an image of it is below. The PCB will be appx. 1.5″x1.5″.

This week I also worked on testing the calibration program I wrote that will gather data on a user’s max and min flex amount and map their flex value to the range from their own min to max. This will allow the glove to work for people who flex different amounts. We will use this feature for our double glove design.

Finally, I worked on battery supply. I decided that getting a compact battery was best, so I got a 500 mAh LiPo battery that supplies 3.7 V. I got a small DC to DC step up converter to give us a voltage value comfortably within 4.5V-21V which is the Vin range for the Arduino Nano BLE Sense Rev2.


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