This week, I had a hand in multiple elements of our project. I was primarily responsible for the software end things. I finalized the data collection script on the ARDUINO side. I also wrote several scripts to clean up our dataset once we were able to collect the data. I wrote some scripts that allowed for the plotting of the dataset for us to understand how the signings are different from each other. I was also able to test and revise my python scripts that received the ARDUINO data which allowed for successful data collection. I also assisted in glove fabrication. I helped debug issues with the ARDUINO including high source voltage and verifying the ADC. I also assisted Somya in attaching the sensors to the glove. Then, once the glove was ready we spent a decent chunk of time collecting around 30,000 datapoints across the three of us.
My progress is on schedule given the overall pushback of the project.
Over the weekend, I hope to train both NN and SVM using the collected data over the weekend. The plan is to have them trained by Tuesday/Wednesday and present the results to my teammates.