The major risk right now is that the data is insufficient to distinguish the various signs for our single-gloved design. To address these issues, we plan on adding additional feature extraction based on our heuristics which could increase the complexity of the data for training. We also have included all 9 DOF of the IMU even though they might not all be needed for feature distinction. This will be something else we look at as part of the risk mitigation. We are also slightly concerned about distinguishing signs that rely less on bending the fingers and more on one finger touching the rest. Our contingency plan is to incorporate 1-2 touch sensors into our design, which if needed, should be a simple addition circuitry-wise. Below are some pictures of the glove fabrication process.
The only major change is that we have decided to pursue a PCB design for the glove, to simplify the Opamp and Arduino structure on the glove
We have pushed back everything one week, we will shoot to have the first prototype to be done by around Mar. 21.