Yuchen’s Status Report 03.07.2024

Accomplishments This Week:

  • Users can now specify a zip code and upload customized GridLAB-D files
  • Finished most parts of power flow and dynamic load visualizations. Each node in the microgrid will display information such as the node type, scale, power flow direction, distance, and node paths.

Challenges Encountered:

  • There were some issues with setting up the parser so the next step is to integrate it with the parser to finish the overall pipeline. It’s a minor issue and will be fixed next time we meet.

Next Steps:

  • Moving forward, we aim to fix the parser integration, finalize the pipeline, and ensure its functionality with various file types and sizes.
  • Meet with team members and discuss user registration and logins necessary for our apps, figuring out whether we should store users’ inputs into the database or run everything locally based on our needs.

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