Tasks accomplished this week
This week, I primarily worked on the rover side of things, where I worked with my partners on laser cutting parts to hold all of our components on the rover stable (4+ hours). This allowed us to achieve stability on the rover during movement.
I also worked on making modifications to code for communicating with the rover (5+ hours). This involved researching a different way than SSH to create a file on the rover remotely. I also worked with David on what kind of file to create and how the rover should interpret the file (1+ hour). I also performed significant testing of the CV server to make sure the program works through various edge cases like the camera not being turned on, duplication of remote file creation et cetera (4+ hours).
I believe I am still on track, and we have testing results that verify our design requirements. I am a little behind on working on the final slides, but that will be done over the course of the day.
Deliverables for next week
For next week, I will work on the final presentation and general testing of the rover. This heavily involves scenario design as we prepare for the final demo.