Tasks accomplished this week
This week, I continued my work on the load balancing algorithm. This required me to write Go code for the “leader” server node as well as the computer vision nodes. The load balancing algorithm used is a simple round robin load balancing algorithm, and this algorithm is obviously executed by the leader server. For now, I used a series of stock images as a placeholder to distribute images across the CV nodes (8+ hours). I also spent time writing unit tests to test out whether load balancing was done correctly (2+ hours). Some time was also spent debugging (1+ hour).
I also spent time searching for drones and talking with various robotics labs at CMU with my partners (2+ hours). We were able to get valuable feedback on what drones would be useful for us, as well as opportunities to borrow equipment.
I am happy with my progress. However, I would have liked to have researched how to implement the YOLO detection algorithm. I would say that I’m on track with my schedule, and spending time next week on the computer vision algorithm would allow me to complete the distributed CV server.
Deliverables for next week
For next week, I am going to work exclusively on the YOLO detection algorithm to implement on the CV nodes. I have some preliminary ideas on what to do for this. Additionally, I have to implement logic to break down the video into frames for processing, so I’m hoping to implement this too. Lastly, I wanna comprehensively write tests to test the server completely.