- The biggest risk of this project is not having enough memory to handle 150 concurrent users & 100+ songs on the queue. This is being managed by adding a database to the project. If sending the queue over the web socket is still too much then we will have the JavaScript call the database directly. If all else fails then we will host the web app on a cloud provider with a lot of memory or come up with a solution to compress our data. We have until Friday to make these changes and will all put our heads together starting tomorrow so we are not too worried about finding a solution.
- We have not made the change yet, but as talked about above we plan on adding a database to combat our memory issue. This incurs a monetary cost for the database storage, makes our project a little more complex, and adds a possibility for attacks on the database. This cost will be mitigated going forward by only getting enough storage that is necessary.
- Updated schedule:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nq6JVOsJ9P9bE2MCSX8J-95vvIR2aPtEa-vl6Zx3WIE/edit#gid=0Sunday edit:
We figured out our issue. Our queue can now hold a lot of users (150) with concurrent queuing of a song each which meets our requirement