Thomas Lee
- This week I started by writing and testing the different lighting schemes, and set up the lighting Maven program to accept the Acousticness, Danceability, Valence, Energy, and Tempo data from the Spotify Web API relayed through the main RPi core and modulate the behavior and rhythm of the lights accordingly. I integrated the new set of lighting fixtures and signal transmission hardware, and made sure they worked as intended and exactly like the set of lights we were using before. I also tested the functionality for daisy-chaining multiple lighting fixtures up in a row, all controlled by the same RPi program. Next I worked on making the communication work with the lighting program, such that on input on the web app the lights would rotate their colors, and developed a different easier to understand lighting script for this. I also helped work on the final presentation slides, and helped create content for Matt to discuss in the presentation.
- Testing:
Queue Latency: 102 ms (20 trials)
Recommendation Generation Latency: 6.2 s (20 trials)
Queue Capacity 100 Songs: passed (memory usage & latency acceptable)
User Stress Test: 200 Users passed (memory usage latency acceptable)
Concurrent User Stress Test: ran out of memory when trying 20+ users all adding songs. This may be due to inefficient usage of data structures and redundant memory copying. We plan on investigating this further in the lab.
UPDATE: RESOLVED we went into the lab and fixed the problem. The memory usage with for 5 simultaneous requests from different users each second over 30 iterations each consumes less than 2% of available memory. - We are approximately on schedule.
- Next week I hope to continue working on integration, and help make the posters and testing the final demo.